Pimp My Gun Wiki

RDSS was conceived after an order from the government to make a powerful sniper for the Gulf War, because of the limited number of Abrams and the superior maneuverability of the Iraqi tanks.The V1 prototype was unsuccessful due to the bullet severely exploding while in the chamber. RDSS then proposed a new protorype with tested safety. The weapon did make it into the battlefield, but that was for the first 4 days of the war. The new bazookas were more than a match for the RDSS.


The RDSS V1 had a range of 6000 meters thanks to the powerful scope. But the bullet was too powerful and when the user pulled the trigger, they would be sent flying to their deaths or end up being exploded along with the bullet.

The V2 was much safer, with a smaller bullet and an even more powerful scope of 9000 meters.The bullet of both could pierce any armor without losing any of its kinetic energy. A 10 round magazine ensures both safety and a formidable ammount of bullets. Still there were injury issues, but they were very few compared to the V1 prototype.

Firing mechanism[]

The bullet reaches the chamber. Then a rammer head hammer would speed up to supersonic speed and push the bullet out of the gun. The tracer and the extreme sound created would give away the user's position so silencers were very common.

Capture 203 (RDSS Railgun System)

The RDSS V2 production model. Featuring factory standard equipment, with the standard electronic sight and rangefinder. Note the quadpod for stabilising the weapon during firing. Also note the suppressor for reducing the firing signature, and the electronic firing mechanism, which fires a 7.62mm kinetic energy penetrator fed from a 10-round magazine.
