Pimp My Gun Wiki

Votes may now be cast. (11/19/2018 - 11/25/2018)


The 1st Perpetual Competition operated as written below:

  • The first phase is the building phase, where the competitors build and enter their weapons by placing them into the current Contending Designs section. The building phase is ten days long.
  • The second phase is the voting phase - no new designs can enter; anyone on the wiki may vote for a winner. It lasts for one week, but may continue longer if the total vote count is less than five.

Voting is done through the comments to prevent vote rigging. For that same reason, only registered users can vote.

  • The third phase, the interphase, consists of the winner choosing the next cycle or electing another PARTICIPANT to choose the next competition theme (i. e. Machine Gun). The interphase is three days long.

The cycle then repeats itself unless someone commences a vote (in an interphase) to end the Perpetual Competition, and the majority (from an electorate of 8 or over) votes Yes.

Current Cycle

Garden guns - when pesky pests just won't leave your crop alone, despite the measures that you have taken to keep them away. A gun would help with that, won't it? Here are some basic requirements:

  • Weighing equal to or less than 3 kg (6.62 lbs)
  • Primarily chambered for .30 calibre or less and/or .410 bore

Contending Designs



1st Perpetual Competition Archive
